am taar musings
Four Tips: How to Combat Anxiety, During Quarantine?
Quarantine and pandemic=perfect recipe for anxiety.
It has been estimated that approximately 40 million Americans struggle with an anxiety disorder of some sort. Some individuals may require medications and therapy to address their symptoms, while others may use a variety of coping mechanisms to control their anxiety. Due to the current quarantine, many people are feeling restless and uneasy as they adjust to their new normal.
Here are 4 tips to combat anxiety, while confined to one's home:
1) Get fresh air:
Literally, just sticking your head out of an open window for a few minutes, can be a restorative experience. For those who are fortunate enough to have balconies and terraces, if the weather permits, sit or stand outdoors for 20-30 minutes.
2) Limit streaming:
It’s the weekend and there’s nowhere to go but the supermarket or CVS. Rather than rewatching Westworld or dwelling on the latest COVID-19 updates, read a book; sketch/color; explore newly released albums; or start a craft project. These activities can be soothing, as well as distracting enough to fill the hours at home.
3)Limit alcohol intake:
With the bars being closed, 'Happy Hour' can now can begin anytime you want. However, you must be mindful that alcohol is a depressant, which may worsen your mood and intensify the sense of claustrophobia inherent with being quarantined. Furthermore, heavy alcohol intake can be detrimental to your sleep-wake cycle, while adjusting to a new daily routine.
4)Video chats:
The power of video chats in helping to maintain interpersonal ties must not be underestimated. Schedule a video call with a group of your friends. In between the jokes and reminiscing, it is a great way to provide each other with much needed emotional support and to establish a sense of normalcy, in a time that is anything but.
Last night, I participated in a video chat with four of my high school friends. After the call, my husband immediately remarked on the change in my disposition. I was smiling from ear to ear!
I hope these tips were helpful!
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